Next-gen & social CRM
Paul Greenberg, recognized CRM expert, shares his opinion about next-get CRM, social CRM and process-driven CRM.
Key CRM trends
Paul Greenberg, CRM industry thought leader, outlines the biggest trends in customer relationship management.
Adding action to the data
Interview with Suman Pitta, Senior Account Executive and CRM expert at bpm'online, on how blending business process management with CRM can help add action to the data.
Sales effectiveness
6 strategies for better sales
Successful selling is not about luck, it’s about seizing and managing opportunities to achieve the desired outcome. Once you get your processes right, the sales team will win.
The Missing Link in CRM
Is there a missing link in CRM that can drive CRM performance to a new level? The article explains how merging of CRM and BPM enables a business to exceed customer expectations.
Top 4 takeaways from CRM Evolution 2013
Last month, the BPMonline team joined CRM Evolution 2013, an exclusive event that gathers key thought leaders of the industry, best analysts, consultants and vendors.
IT and Tech
5 tips to make your application more engaging
Technology plays a key role in today's business environment, and using the right software can help change the way a company does business and facilitate work practices for both managers and staff. Nev
Customer experience and service
Transforming customer data into an actionable insight
7 strategies to make rich customer data your competitive advantage The role and potential of proper customer data management for CRM strategy is huge.
Customer experience and service
Speaking your customer’s language
Customer experience (or CX) is on the lime light.
Customer experience and service
Taking a holistic approach to ITIL processes
Every business is interested in increasing the value of the organization and people served.
Customer experience and service
5 ways to speed up IT service desk support
Whether a help-desk is serving staff or external customers, managing multiple support queries can be challenging when your resources are limited.
Sales effectiveness
Capture best sales practices using BPM approach
“Best practice” always sounds to me as a mantra of management consultants. It seems that every conscious manager would like to implement best practices inside their own organization.