Israeli Government Boosts Coordination of Infrastructure Projects with Creatio’s No-Code Platform
The National Coordination Platform is built on top of Creatio and serves as a digital hub to send, approve and manage more than 9000 infrastructure-related projects, cases and requests.
Key facts
adopted the system

Enormous headway in Israeli infrastructure development
Building the digital infrastructure first
National Coordination Platform

Oren Diga
CRM & BPM Lead, Proceed

The National Coordination Platform is integrated with Israeli Map Services. Users can mark the place of interest on a map and download a list of companies with a shared interest in a particular geographical area. At which point, Creatio automatically generates the necessary documents for every company that influences decision-making. Once all the digital paperwork is filled out, the system requests authorized functionaries to make the necessary approvals.
All data is stored in the cloud and requires a web connection and a secured log-in based on 2FA. Only relevant stakeholders can control the multi-stage approval process thanks to the access management automation provided by Creatio. The application documents each process change, so, stakeholders can monitor the progress at every stage.
Additionally, Israeli Roads adopted Creatio's service module to manage internal support requests. Besides email, chat, and phone, the platform users can communicate and get assistance via WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook. The system converts messages received through these integrated channels into cases, and the service agent team helps resolve them.
The Israeli National Roads Company was the first out of more than 300 companies to start working in the system three months after the project launch. Thanks to the rapid deployment methodology, 40 more companies have adopted the National Coordination Platform within the next two years. To maintain smooth and swift user adoption, Israeli Roads created its own Academy and released ten application-specific training videos in cooperation with the production company.

Ilona Brotman
Chief Information Officer, Netivei Israel

Powering project coordination for ultimate results

Nir Ron
National Coordination Platform - Product Manager, Netivei Israel