CRM Day: an annual event full of outstanding insights

1 min read

CRM Day – the highly anticipated event for CRM community took place last week in Boston, MA. For this yearly gathering, we brought together experts and practitioners from all over the world. CRM professionals delivered incredible presentations and engaged in discussions on strategies that help businesses succeed in an ever-changing business environment. Moreover, the guests had an opportunity to interact with key CRM industry experts as they shared their own experience and explored real-life cases with the audience.

The event started with the Keynote from Katherine Kostereva during which she shared her vision of what the future holds for the CRM industry and discussed current CRM trends. The popularity of CRM solutions continuously grows with the CRM usage reportedly increasing from 56% to 74% comparing to last year. Moreover, 74% of companies who use CRM claim that the system dramatically improved their customer service.

During the Keynote session, we also took a live online poll offering our audience to share their opinions on the following question: What is the future of the CRM?

The answers were hardly surprising.

Future of CRM

As you can see, the majority of respondents believe that CRM systems will continue to evolve and become more autonomous, while generating a bigger competitive advantage for the companies that use them. Kostereva highlighted that we are on the verge of the new era – the era of intelligent CRM.

Following the Keynote and bpm’online’s product presentation Paul Greenberg took the stage and impressed the audience with his awe-inspiring speech. Among other critical topics, the famous CRM expert stressed the paramount importance of delivering personalized experience to every customer.

Also, the event featured two parallel tracks for business and technology leaders. Barton Goldenberg opened the Business Track with a workshop on how to apply CRM strategies to various real world cases. Meanwhile in the Technology Track, attendees explored the innovative functionality of bpm’online CRM. Attendees particularly appreciated bpm’online’s customization features and the system’s intuitive interface.

Please feel free to visit the event page, all of presentations and other valuable materials are available for download.

Download here

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