Interview with 2019 Business Process Championship Bronze Winner

2 min read

The third and final in the series of interviews with the winners of 2019 Business Process Championship is with Kamil Trzcinski, project manager at Advanced Intelligent Supply Chain, who created a structure for solving any organizational problem. His unique and creative solution is relevant for any industry and business department.

Kamil explains why a structured way of problem solving is more effective than firefighting and shares his secrets on building an effective business process.

Hi Kamil, congratulations on your win! Have you ever participated in a competition similar to the 2019 Business Process Championship?

No, this was my first time!

You designed the problem solving process. Tell us more about it. What problem does it address and who can benefit from it the most?

Problem solving is one of the most important management skillsets today. Most companies choose the firefighting approach, rather than a structured way of problem solving. As a result, same problems come back like a boomerang. The only way to solve any problem once and for all is a structured approach, so you know that all possibilities/root causes/solutions have been explored.

My work experience proved that you can solve any type of problem with the approach presented in the process map I submitted for the contest. Everyone can benefit from this approach. Like-minded people who are interested in the topic of problem solving could use this roadmap as guidance.

BPC 2019 Bronze Winner

What’s your preferred way of building business processes?

The first and most important rule, in my opinion – go and see for yourself. If you want to ask for help/opinions. I have seen these mistakes so many times – building process maps from “behind the desk” and review them with managers, who actually didn’t know what is going on in real life process – they only knew how the process should look like.

Another important thing – who are you building this process map for? What do you want to achieve? What’s the purpose of process mapping? These questions will help you to choose the correct format of Process Map and the level of detail required.

What would you advise to people who are building a business process for the first time?

Go and see the process, which you want to map. If you’ve got a chance, try to be the part of the process for a while before you start mapping it.

What was the most difficult part in designing your business process?

To be honest – lack of time. I found out about this competition 2 days before the deadline. With my busy work schedule I had about 3 hours to prepare all process map.

Which Creatio studio free feature was the most helpful in the process?

Definitely the function, which allows you to write your notes next to each step. Very good, intuitive tool. You should try to implement this into pdf format as well.

Do you find Studio Free easy to use?

Yes. Very easy actually. The intuitive layout of software allows you to start working almost immediately.

To whom would you recommend Creatio studio free?

All small businesses. Everyone who wants to learn how to build process maps and everyone who doesn’t want to pay for other process mapping software’s. Your Creatio studio is actually a very cool tool, and it is free – extra bonus! 

Which business processes are you planning to design in the future?

I have got a few in my mind. Besides all work-related projects, currently, I am working on designing a perfect self-defense system.

How difficult is it to learn designing good business processes? What is the best way to learn?

Practice, practice, practice. I would suggest mapping some existing processes before we start to design any new ones. It would be beneficial to get familiar with any project management/process design tools like DFSS/Lean/TPS etc.

Read the interview with 2019 BPC Gold Winner here >>>

Read the interview with 2019 BPC Silver Winner here >>>

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