Release of bpm'online CRM 5.1

1 min read

Our developers finally can take break and open a cold one to celebrate the release of BPMonline CRM 5.1. This and a few following posts will be dedicated to new features of the product.

Today I’m going to talk about small improvements in UI. Next time I will post about business processes and email integration.

The first fancy UI update is the new 'Recent' folder. By clicking this item the system displays a list of records that you have recently worked with. It is similar to iTunes [Recently Added] list that I love so much :) It’s really interesting to spot how ideas migrate from the entertainment business to business applications. For me, this trend is crucial for the software industry because people now want to have fun even during working hours.

In addition to the Quick Filter button, the developers have now added the super charged auto- filter. With the last one you can get the data that you need in one click. As an example, imagine that one Monday you asked your reps to fill in phone numbers of their latest customers. On Friday evening you then decide to check the results of your task, so you open the Contacts section, then click any empty Phone field and press the super-charged autofilter button. Doing this you get all contacts that have an empty Phone field. All you need to do is to see the sales managers who are responsible for these contacts.

These are just some of the small enhancements, but we will talk about bigger ones the next week.

Not sure

where to start?