Segezha Group uses Creatio to provide European customers with a cutting-edge user experience

1 min read
Segezha Group uses Creatio to provide European customers with a cutting-edge user experience

Segezha Group is a vertically integrated corporation that specializes in timber harvesting, sack paper, plywood, and log house production. Over the years of providing high-quality services, cherishing sustainable development principles and nurturing customer relationships, the company has earned an exceptional reputation in the European market. Segezha Group has 50 plants across Europe and over 13,000 employees that help the company serve its clients in more than 100 countries.

As a forward-thinking company, Segezha Group sees innovation as key to success. To keep up with the times and gain a competitive edge, the company set out on a large-scale digital transformation journey. They opted for Creatio to guide them through their automation and transformation goals

Segezha Group uses Creatio to provide European customers with a cutting-edge user experience

With the help of Creatio, Segezha Group aimed to standardize data management across the company’s multiple divisions and bring much needed operational transparency to its customer-facing processes. Putting the customer first, the company also aimed to maximize customer engagement. Creatio helped Segezha Group meet these goals, all while providing the company’s employees with user-friendly solutions to optimize their day-to-day work.

Learn more about Segezha Group’s success with Creatio and the company’s ambitious plans for Creatio’s system in our recent success story.


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