Two points in favor of bpm'online

1 min read

My latest Internet-surfing has led me to two interesting posts of CRM and BPM gurus.

Managing Processes and Relationships

BPM and CRM vendors are moving toward integration of their products. This trend was outlined 3 or 4 years ago during a Forrester Summit, and now we witness how this prediction turns into life. Kate Leggett, senior analyst at Forrester Research, shared her vision of current situation in the BPM market, making an emphasis on the growing role of embedding BPM into CRM:

“CRM vendors will offer robust BPM capabilities to improve productivity, compliance, and satisfaction. This is already happening. For example, PegaSystems acquired a CRM company, Chordiant. CRM vendors like Sword Ciboodle and RNOW are also adding BPM capabilities to their products.”

With BPM+CRM suites on board, customers can:

  • streamline collaboration
  • share best practices throughout entire enterprise
  • improve customer experience

Graphic Process Modelling

Second trend endorses the first one, and it is about removing complexity in managing processes. According to Gartner, more companies prefer easy-to-use graphic tools to design processes, that enable process owners to make changes on-the-go:

“Over the next four years, the number of companies and knowledge workers in Global 2000 enterprises that are using graphic modeling will rise from 6% in 2009, to 40% in 2014”.

Not sure

where to start?