How a process-driven CRM can benefit your company

1 min read

Process-driven CRM is a term used to describe the blending of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Process Management (BPM). It entails understanding the importance of internal and external business processes in order to enhance client experience and satisfaction in the most efficient manner possible. For example, if you have a client place an order with a customer service representative, you should make sure there is a speedy and accurate way to communicate that order to other parts of your company in order to have it filled.

There are numerous ways how a process-driven CRM can benefit your company:

  • Automation of time consuming tasks

    The best CRM software is capable of handling large routine assignments that would otherwise take your staff hundreds of man hours. Because the system is capable to automate repeatable process it doesn’t need human beings to manually do it all the time. This frees up your employees to spend more time on your customers, and perhaps come up with innovative ways to improve your company’s communication with them.

  • Improve customer experience through effective usage of information

    The more information your staff has on a client, the more personalized an experience they can provide. Business processes can help to fill the gap between information storage and its effective usage. Simple CRM software with BPM engine can help identify where the data is going to go and effectively allocate it to the right people. It provides a better way to plan next actions, design processes around the data you capture. Thus, bringing you to another level in customer relationship management.

  • Expedite internal communication

    Process-driven CRM software creates a central location for a customer’s information for all the departments of your company and employs universal business processes. When a single change happens in one line of the business it needs to be reflected all the way. This can be easily done when the CRM software utilizes BPM that streamlines all the actions done in the organization, making sure that everything is done in the right time.

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