What is Workflow Analysis?

Updated on
April 15, 2024
5 min read
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    Within the realm of business optimization, the significance of workflow analysis cannot be overstated. This methodical examination of business workflow diagrams seeks to streamline operations, automate essential processes, and fortify weak links. The consequential outcomes encompass heightened efficiency, improved regulatory compliance, and enriched customer engagement, positioning organizations for sustained growth.

    What Is Workflow Analysis?

    A workflow analysis is a process of reviewing and analyzing a business workflow diagram. It helps streamline business operations and improve productivity. Workflow analysis allows for the updating and elimination of unproductive tasks. Analysis assists in better customer service and satisfaction, employee collaboration, and increased business revenue. Workflow analysis helps users identify the following:

    • Unproductive and futile tasks.
    • Workflows that require automation for better results.
    • A weak workflow.

    Workflow analysis's primary purpose is to improve the weak and recognize the strong points of a workflow. However, the process is possible when an organization creates the proper workflow and understands the importance of workflow analysis.

    How Can Workflow Analysis Help You?

    Workflow analysis is an effective practice for businesses (small, medium, and large). It helps identify business drawbacks and improve performance. The updates and improvements increase business revenue, better customer interaction, and improved teamwork. The combination also helps in saving time and resources, which are directed to new tasks and developments. Organizations can adopt new automated systems to improve production. Workflow analysis identifies the problem, and the root cause and offers a solution.

    Most organizations keep tasks they rarely use on workflow charts. Workflow charts tend to waste resources and time and probably have no use in the business. However, workflow analysis will identify the issues and offer either eliminating, updating, or transforming them into a better option for the business. For example, modern organizations don’t read company reports. However, the company continues with tradition and creates reports despite them. Consuming both time and resources. Organizations can automate the report and design it in a simple form to save time. Creatio offers a variety of automated solutions to ease tedious tasks such as report creation.

    Benefits of Workflow Analysis

    Improves efficiency

    Organizations can transform and automate several areas of the workflow. This helps recognize bottlenecks and implements new working systems. After the analysis, businesses tend to increase profits. Employees also understand their work better, thus delivering more efficiently.

    Better regulation compliance

    Organizations can use workflow analysis to map all necessary steps required for compliance with particular regulations. Most organizations must adhere to rules set by regulatory bodies for smooth business operations. For example, financial institutions follow specific regulations to conduct their business. They must provide necessary audit reports regularly. Workflow analysis will assist the organization in having accurate data reports on regulation.

    Better customer engagement

    Customers are a significant aspect of revenue growth. Businesses should ensure they provide the best services to create better relationships. An effective workflow should consider customer demands and how to resolve issues better. The workflow analysis will assist in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of customer service operations. The adoption of analysis tools like Creatio offers an excellent relationship with customers.

    Customers tend to remain loyal when their needs are met. Investing in digital contact center tools such as live chat, automated email, IVR self-service, and phone calls will help clients reach your businesses faster and more effectively.

    Employee collaboration (happy employees)

    Automating the business process helps employees enjoy their work. It simplifies tedious tasks that consume time and effort. Workflow analysis allows organizations to learn about tasks that require automation and which to scrap off entirely. Employees can identify potential problems faster as compared to manual processes.

    A planned work environment encourages greater output by employees. It helps them invest their knowledge and skills wisely. Practicing workflow analysis in a business offers assurance to employees. They know the company cares about the work and utilizes different methods to simplify the work process. It lifts morale, which in turn provides high productivity.

    Steps For Workflow Analysis

    Workflow analysis is designed to help organizations attain a complete picture of workflow diagrams. This makes it easy to improve tasks for better performance, but also delete those that no longer serve a purpose. Businesses should focus on tasks that generate income, followed by support functions. To achieve positive results, organizations should prioritize tasks based on significance. They should consider questions like:

    • What do we do?
    • How do we do it?
    • When and why do we do it?
    • What can each department do?

    Businesses that haven't implemented workflow automation tools should consider workflow analysis in the initial stages to determine gaps and changes. To conduct a smooth analysis, the business requires strategic steps.

    Step 1: Workflow evaluation

    Businesses need to evaluate the workflow analysis from a qualitative approach. The evaluation stage requires the user to ask several questions such as:

    • Why does the workflow exist in the first place? This will help determine whether the workflow is a necessity for the business or not.
    • When do we use the workflow? Suppose a business only performs the workflow 3-4 times a year. The workflow may not be worth optimizing.
    • How much handoff does the business workflow involve? Handoff is the process of passing data from one person to another. Businesses should check whether a task is essential. For example, before employees write a vacation request, hand it over for approval and receive feedback.
    • Who is involved in the business? Businesses should analyze who is involved in the business. In this case, customers and vendors interact with the company regularly. Enterprises should invest in digital platforms that simplify communications for both clients and vendors.

    Step 2: Data collection

    After understanding the business workflow, organizations should gather details on why particular issues are happening. Users can collect data through:

    • Quantitative data: information that shows the negative parts of the workflow and how to improve.
    • Qualitative data: the gathering of facts that help improve workflows. This allows users to generate more information.

    Step 3: Analyzing the data

    Due to technology, workflow management systems provide data through a digital system. This assists the user in generating workflow analysis charts faster. The digital process allows the user to identify issues quicker and seek ways to improve workflows. Businesses must merge the data collected (quantitative and qualitative) to analyze the data. Note that data analysis offers two results: the finding has a high impact on the workflow or a low impact.

    Step 4: Getting real user feedback

    Businesses should involve the actual user to attain feedback on any issue. Feedback helps the organization make changes by improving or maintaining the service. However, it’s challenging to introduce changes to users. Most people stick to previous behaviors. However, technology offers tools that help gain user feedback quickly. Businesses can adopt the tools and also involve customers to get real feedback.

    Workflow Analysis in Creatio

    Creatio provides one platform for industry workflows and CRM with no code that enables users to design and automate custom workflows of any type and complexity. With Creatio’s workflow management platform, companies digitize their business processes and ensure efficient operations across diverse business units, departments, and teams.

    Workflow analysis Creatio


    Workflow analysis has a significant impact on business development. It doesn’t just identify and improve the challengers. However, it helps users to monitor the new results from the changes made. It helps automate most workflow tasks, thus saving time and resources for organizations. Businesses should implement good analysis tools such as Creatio to provide precise and automated data for their workflow.

    Start your workflow improvement with Creatio